

  • Supports over 100 languages
  • Seamless integrations
  • Easy widget customization
  • No-code platform
  • Can customize bot persona
  • Chat history feature
  • Ability to import files
  • Lead generation and export
  • White-labeling option
  • Custom domain
  • Custom Functions feature
  • Integration with 1,700+ APIs
  • Cater to diverse business sectors
  • User-friendly
  • Real-time information
  • Can convert natural language into API calls
  • Functional across multiple business sectors
  • Optimized for different language models
  • Data analysis capabilities
  • Customizable chatbot prompts
  • Searchable past conversations
  • PDF, TXT, CSV, XLS, and DOC file support
  • Lead export feature
  • Able to interact with external AI Tools
  • Capable of fetching structured data
  • Customizable according to data language
  • Can tap into external APIs
  • Effortlessly integrates with artificial intelligence
  • Can choose between GPT-3.5 & GPT-4 models
  • Can infuse personality into chatbot
  • Supports importing from websites
  • Offers brand alignment via widget customization
  • Provides white-labeling for domain
  • Can define functions within your model
  • Can be used in scheduling appointments
  • Effective across real estate management
  • Assists in travel planning
  • Can automate routine tasks
  • Efficient chatbot creation process
  • Multiple web platform integration
  • Supports FAQ system
  • Cons
  • No explicit security features
  • Overwhelming for non-tech savvy users
  • Limited to 100 languages
  • No concrete customer support details
  • Unspecified accuracy of language models
  • Unidentified limitations of custom functions
  • Lack of full integration list
  • Unspecified data import limitations
  • Not fully open source
  • Unclear pricing strategy
  • Screenshots


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