Shulex VOC


  • Reviews analysis automation
  • Deep customer insights
  • Product development aid
  • Improves customer experience
  • Competitive advantage
  • Export reviews
  • Omni-channel integration
  • E-commerce platform insights
  • Social media insights
  • GPT-3 utilization
  • Amazon Seller suitability
  • Seamless eCommerce integration
  • TRUSTe certified
  • Member of AWS Partner Network
  • Chrome extension available
  • Blogs and resources
  • Help Center support
  • Sign-in flexibility
  • Optimize Amazon Product Listing
  • Increase sales on Amazon&Tiktok Shop
  • Multiple insight demographics
  • Comprehensive voice of customer analysis
  • Used by Anker PM team
  • Insight export capability
  • Well-Documented Getting Started Guide
  • Review Exporter AI Tool
  • Supports major e-Commerce sites
  • Linkedin interaction
  • Facebook community
  • Cons
  • No mobile application
  • Limited to e-commerce reviews
  • Specifically designed for Amazon sellers
  • Complicated interface for beginners
  • No direct integration with TikTok
  • Potential data privacy concerns
  • No free tier mentioned
  • Exporter limited to Amazon
  • Limited social media compatibility
  • No multi-language support mentioned
  • Screenshots


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